The UNI(di)VERSITY training was organised by Sapienza University of Rome – in collaboration with UNIMED (Union of the Mediterranean Universities), UBSF (University of Barcelona Solidarity Foundation), EUA (European University Association) and in partnership with Campus France, IOM (International Organization for Migration). The training was in the form of a Staff Training Week from the 7th to the 10th of June 2022.
The Staff Training Week aims to support European Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in promoting overarching strategies for inclusion of refugees and migrants to build inclusive universities in the era of migration.
The Staff Training week provided participants with a set of instruments and hands-on activities to develop strategies aimed at integrating migration issues at all levels of institutional activities. At the end of the training participants will acquire skills to:
Consult the programme of the Staff Training Week.
The Staff Training Week was kicked-off by the opening event “Inclusive universities in the era of migration”.
Working language : English
The registered participants to the Staff Training Week were 40 academic experts and officials from Italian and European universities interested in learning about tools and strategies for the inclusion of refugees and migrants in higher education.
Applications closed on the 12th of May 2022.
UNI(di)VERSITY is a 3-year project co-funded with support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. Project nr.: 2019-1-IT02-KA203-063321
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